Simon Sustainability Report 2022



EDUCATION Through Simon Youth Foundation, we are able to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant employment skills, including technical and vocational skills. Over 26K students have benefited from this program since 1998. GENDER EQUALITY Simon’s D&I program supports and promotes equal opportunity for all. Additionally, Simon Youth Foundation provides equal opportunities for all students who want to participate. A diverse group of students were enrolled in 2022–2023, with nearly two-thirds from underrepresented groups, and 50% were female students. AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY By purchasing renewable energy, Simon is able to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal by utilizing clean energy across our portfolio. We are committed to increasing usage of renewable energy in the coming years to reduce our carbon impact. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES By 2030, Simon aims to provide access to safe, affordable, inclusive, accessible, and sustainable transport systems—with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities, and older persons—by improving road safety and expanding public transport. For this reason, Simon is rolling out EV charging stations to all centers. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION By 2030, Simon will substantially reduce waste generation at its centers through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. Educating and collaborating with our tenants and visitors on recycling are essential focus points for Simon. We have rolled out a tenant education program that outlines the availability of recycling programs, announces improved signage at centers, and regularly communicates reminders about proper implementation of recycling programs. We have also worked with tenants to roll out a pilot program that will enable them to recycle hard-to-recycle materials. CLIMATE ACTION Thanks to updated protocols and procedures, Simon has been able to add sustainable property certifications to its portfolio, increase its use of renewable energy, and anticipates addressing climate change in all business activities through its low-carbon transition plan, currently in development.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) provide a blueprint for achieving a more sustainable future, encompassing a broad range of sustainability topics such as climate change, environmental degradation, equal opportunities, and quality education. Simon is committed to aligning its sustainability strategy, programs, and commitments with the underlying actions and priorities of the UNSDG in order to contribute to a better world for all. Simon has identified key areas where it can make a positive contribution toward achieving these UNSDGs. For further information on our 2022 initiatives, please refer to the report. Alternatively, you may click on the icons located on the right-hand side of the page for direct links to the relevant sections.








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