2022 SIMON® Annual Report

Simon Property Group, Inc. Simon Property Group, L.P. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Dollars in thousands, except share, per share, unit and per unit amounts and where indicated as in millions or billions)

2. Basis of Presentation and Consolidation The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of all controlled subsidiaries, and all significant intercompany amounts have been eliminated. We consolidate properties that are wholly-owned or properties where we own less than 100% but we control. Control of a property is demonstrated by, among other factors, our ability to refinance debt and sell the property without the consent of any other partner or owner and the inability of any other partner or owner to replace us. We also consolidate a variable interest entity, or VIE, when we are determined to be the primary beneficiary. Determination of the primary beneficiary of a VIE is based on whether an entity has (1) the power to direct activities that most significantly impact the economic performance of the VIE and (2) the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits of the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE. Our determination of the primary beneficiary of a VIE considers all relationships between us and the VIE, including management agreements and other contractual arrangements. There have been no changes during 2022 in previous conclusions about whether an entity qualifies as a VIE or whether we are the primary beneficiary of any previously identified VIE. During the periods presented, we did not provide financial or other support to any identified VIE that we were not contractually obligated to provide. Investments in partnerships and joint ventures represent our noncontrolling ownership interests. We account for these unconsolidated entities using the equity method of accounting. We initially record these investments at cost and we subsequently adjust for net equity in income or loss, which we allocate in accordance with the provisions of the applicable partnership or joint venture agreement, cash contributions and distributions, and foreign currency fluctuations, if applicable. The allocation provisions in the partnership or joint venture agreements are not always consistent with the legal ownership interests held by each general or limited partner or joint venture investee primarily due to partner preferences. We separately report investments in partnerships and joint ventures for which accumulated distributions have exceeded investments in and our share of net income of the partnerships and joint ventures within cash distributions and losses in partnerships and joint ventures, at equity in the consolidated balance sheets. The net equity of certain partnerships and joint ventures is less than zero because of financing or operating distributions that are usually greater than net income, as net income includes non-cash charges for depreciation and amortization. As of December 31, 2022, we consolidated 130 wholly-owned properties and 18 additional properties that are less than wholly-owned, but which we control or for which we are the primary beneficiary. We apply the equity method of accounting to the other 82 properties (the joint venture properties) and our investments in Klépierre (a publicly traded, Paris-based real estate company), TRG, and Jamestown (a global real estate investment and management company), as well as our investments (collectively, our other platform investments) in retail operations (J.C. Penney and SPARC Group); intellectual property and licensing venture (Authentic Brands Group, LLC, or ABG); and an e-commerce venture (Rue Gilt Groupe, or RGG). We manage the day-to-day operations of 51 of the 82 joint venture properties, but have determined that our partner or partners have substantive participating rights with respect to the assets and operations of these joint venture properties. Our investments in joint ventures in Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Malaysia, Canada, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom comprise 24 of the remaining 31 properties. These international properties and TRG are managed by joint ventures in which we share control. Preferred distributions of the Operating Partnership are accrued at declaration and represent distributions on outstanding preferred units of partnership interests, or preferred units, and are included in net income attributable to noncontrolling interests. We allocate net operating results of the Operating Partnership after preferred distributions to limited partners and to us based on the partners’ respective weighted average ownership interests in the Operating Partnership. Net operating results of the Operating Partnership attributable to limited partners are reflected in net income attributable to noncontrolling interests.


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