2022 SIMON® Annual Report

Simon Property Group, Inc. Simon Property Group, L.P. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Dollars in thousands, except share, per share, unit and per unit amounts and where indicated as in millions or billions)

unamortized premium included in the carrying value of the preferred stock at December 31, 2022 and 2021 was $1.6 million and $1.9 million, respectively.

The Operating Partnership Series J 8 3 /

Distributions accrue quarterly at an annual rate of

8 % Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Units.

8 3 / 8 % per unit on the Series J 8 3 / 8 % preferred units, or Series J preferred units. Simon owns all of the Series J preferred units which have the same economic rights and preferences of an outstanding series of Simon preferred stock. The Operating Partnership can redeem this series, in whole or in part, when Simon can redeem the related preferred stock, on and after October 15, 2027 at a redemption price of $50.00 per unit, plus accumulated and unpaid distributions. The Series J preferred units were issued at a premium of $7.5 million. The unamortized premium included in the carrying value of the preferred units at December 31, 2022 and 2021 was $1.6 million and $1.9 million, respectively. There are 1,000,000 Series J preferred units authorized and 796,948 Series J preferred units issued and outstanding. Other Equity Activity The Simon Property Group, L.P. 2019 Stock Incentive Plan. This plan, or the 2019 Plan, provides for the grant of equity-based awards with respect to the equity of Simon in the form of incentive and nonqualified stock options to purchase shares, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock grants and performance-based awards. Options may be granted which are qualified as “incentive stock options” within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code and options which are not so qualified. An aggregate of 8,000,000 shares of common stock have been reserved under the 2019 plan. The 2019 Plan is administered by the Compensation and Human Capital Committee. The Compensation and Human Capital Committee determines which eligible individuals may participate and the type, extent and terms of the awards to be granted to them. In addition, the Compensation and Human Capital Committee interprets the 2019 Plan and makes all other determinations deemed advisable for its administration. Options granted to employees become exercisable over the period determined by the Compensation and Human Capital Committee. The exercise price of an employee option may not be less than the fair market value of the shares on the date of grant. Employee options generally vest over a three-year period and expire ten years from the date of grant. Directors who are not also our employees or employees of our affiliates are eligible to receive awards under the 2019 plan. Each independent director receives an annual cash retainer of $110,000, and an annual restricted stock award with a grant date value of $175,000. Committee chairs receive annual retainers for the Company’s Audit, Compensation and Human Capital, and Governance and Nominating Committee of $35,000, $35,000 and $25,000, respectively. Directors receive fixed annual retainers for service on the Audit, Compensation and Human Capital, and Governance and Nominating Committees, of $15,000, $15,000, and $10,000, respectively. The Lead Director receives an annual retainer of $50,000. These retainers are paid 50% in cash and 50% in restricted stock. Restricted stock awards vest in full after one year. Once vested, the delivery of the shares of restricted stock (including reinvested dividends) is deferred under our Director Deferred Compensation Plan until the director retires, dies or becomes disabled or otherwise no longer serves as a director. The directors may vote and are entitled to receive dividends on the underlying shares; however, any dividends on the shares of restricted stock must be reinvested in shares of common stock and held in the Director Deferred Compensation Plan until the shares of restricted stock are delivered to the former director. Stock Based Compensation Our long-term incentive compensation awards under our stock-based compensation plans primarily take the form of LTIP units, restricted stock units, and restricted stock. The substantial majority of these awards are market condition or performance-based, and are based on various market, corporate and business unit performance measures as further described below. The expense related to these programs, net of amounts capitalized, is included within home and regional office costs and general and administrative costs in the accompanying statements of operations and comprehensive


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