2022 SIMON® Annual Report

EXPLANATORY NOTE This report combines the annual reports on Form 10-K for the annual period ended December 31, 2022 of Simon Property Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and Simon Property Group, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership. Unless stated otherwise or the context otherwise requires, references to “Simon” mean Simon Property Group, Inc. and references to the “Operating Partnership” mean Simon Property Group, L.P. References to “we,” “us” and “our” mean collectively Simon, the Operating Partnership and those entities/subsidiaries owned or controlled by Simon and/or the Operating Partnership. Simon is a real estate investment trust, or REIT, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Internal Revenue Code. We are structured as an umbrella partnership REIT under which substantially all of our business is conducted through the Operating Partnership, Simon’s majority-owned partnership subsidiary, for which Simon is the general partner. As of December 31, 2022, Simon owned an approximate 87.4% ownership interest in the Operating Partnership, with the remaining 12.6% ownership interest owned by limited partners. As the sole general partner of the Operating Partnership, Simon has exclusive control of the Operating Partnership’s day-to-day management. We operate Simon and the Operating Partnership as one business. The management of Simon consists of the same members as the management of the Operating Partnership. As general partner with control of the Operating Partnership, Simon consolidates the Operating Partnership for financial reporting purposes, and Simon has no material assets or liabilities other than its investment in the Operating Partnership. Therefore, the assets and liabilities of Simon and the Operating Partnership are the same on their respective financial statements. We believe that combining the annual reports on Form 10-K of Simon and the Operating Partnership into this single report provides the following benefits:  enhances investors’ understanding of Simon and the Operating Partnership by enabling investors to view the business as a whole in the same manner as management views and operates the business;  eliminates duplicative disclosure and provides a more streamlined presentation since substantially all of the disclosure in this report applies to both Simon and the Operating Partnership; and  creates time and cost efficiencies through the preparation of one combined report instead of two separate reports. We believe it is important for investors to understand the few differences between Simon and the Operating Partnership in the context of how we operate as a consolidated company. The primary difference is that Simon itself does not conduct business, other than acting as the general partner of the Operating Partnership and issuing equity or equity-related instruments from time to time. In addition, Simon itself does not incur any indebtedness, as all debt is incurred by the Operating Partnership or entities/subsidiaries owned or controlled by the Operating Partnership. The Operating Partnership holds, directly or indirectly, substantially all of our assets, including our ownership interests in our joint ventures. The Operating Partnership conducts substantially all of our business and is structured as a partnership with no publicly traded equity. Except for the net proceeds from equity issuances by Simon, which are contributed to the capital of the Operating Partnership in exchange for, in the case of common stock issuances by Simon, common units of partnership interest in the Operating Partnership, or units, or, in the case of preferred stock issuances by Simon, preferred units of partnership interest in the Operating Partnership, or preferred units, the Operating Partnership, directly or indirectly, generates the capital required by our business through its operations, the incurrence of indebtedness, proceeds received from the disposition of certain properties and joint ventures and the issuance of units or preferred units to third parties. The presentation of stockholders’ equity, partners’ equity and noncontrolling interests are the main areas of difference between the consolidated financial statements of Simon and those of the Operating Partnership. The differences between stockholders’ equity and partners’ equity result from differences in the equity issued at the Simon and Operating Partnership levels. The units held by limited partners in the Operating Partnership are accounted for as partners’ equity in the Operating Partnership’s financial statements and as noncontrolling interests in Simon’s financial statements. The noncontrolling interests in the Operating Partnership’s financial statements include the interests of unaffiliated partners in various consolidated partnerships. The noncontrolling interests in Simon’s financial statements include the same noncontrolling interests at the Operating Partnership level and, as previously stated, the units held by limited partners of the Operating Partnership. Although classified differently, total equity of Simon and the Operating Partnership is the same. To help investors understand the differences between Simon and the Operating Partnership, this report provides:  separate consolidated financial statements for Simon and the Operating Partnership;


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