2022 SIMON® Annual Report

Japan Data The following are selected key operating statistics for our Premium Outlets in Japan. The information used to prepare these statistics has been supplied by the managing venture partner. December 31, %/basis point December 31, %/basis point December 31, 2022 Change 2021 Change 2020 EndingOccupancy.............. 99.8% 0 bps 99.8% +30 bps 99.5%

Average Base Minimum Rent per Square Foot .................









Critical Accounting Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, requires management to use judgment in the application of accounting policies, including making estimates and assumptions. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. These judgments affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the dates of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting periods. If our judgment or interpretation of the facts and circumstances relating to various transactions had been different, it is possible that different accounting policies would have been applied resulting in a different presentation of our financial statements. From time to time, we reevaluate our estimates and assumptions. In the event estimates or assumptions prove to be different from actual results, adjustments are made in subsequent periods to reflect more current information. Below is a discussion of accounting policies that we consider critical in that they may require complex judgment in their application or require estimates about matters that are inherently uncertain. For a summary of our significant accounting policies, see Note 3 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.  We, as a lessor, retain substantially all of the risks and benefits of ownership of the investment properties and account for our leases as operating leases. We accrue fixed lease income on a straight-line basis over the terms of the leases, when we believe substantially all lease income, including the related straight-line rent receivable, is probable of collection. Our assessment of collectability incorporates available operational performance measures such as sales and the aging of billed amounts as well as other publicly available information with respect to our tenant’s financial condition, liquidity and capital resources, including declines in such conditions due to, or amplified by, the COVID-19 pandemic. When a tenant seeks to reorganize its operations through bankruptcy proceedings, we assess the collectability of receivable balances including, among other things, the timing of a tenant’s bankruptcy filing and our expectations of the assumption by the tenant in bankruptcy proceeding of leases at the Company’s properties on substantially similar terms. In the event that we determine accrued receivables are not probable of collection, lease income will be recorded on a cash basis, with the corresponding tenant receivable and straight-line rent receivable charged as a direct write-off against lease income in the period of the change in our collectability determination.  We review investment properties for impairment on a property-by-property basis to identify and evaluate events or changes in circumstances which indicate that the carrying value of investment properties may not be recoverable. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, changes in a property’s operational performance such as declining cash flows, occupancy or total sales per square foot, the Company’s intent and ability to hold the related asset, and, if applicable, the remaining time to maturity of underlying financing arrangements. We measure any impairment of investment property when the estimated undiscounted operating income before depreciation and amortization during the anticipated holding period plus its residual value is less than the carrying value of the property. To the extent impairment has occurred, we charge to income the excess of carrying value of the property over our estimate of its fair value. We also review our investments, including investments in unconsolidated entities, to identify and evaluate whether events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of our investments may not be recoverable. We will record an impairment charge if we determine the fair value of the investments are less than their carrying value and such impairment is other-than-temporary. Our evaluation of changes in economic or operating conditions and whether an impairment is other-than- temporary may include developing estimates of fair value, forecasted cash flows or operating income before depreciation and amortization. We estimate undiscounted cash flows and fair value using observable and unobservable data such as operating income, hold periods, estimated capitalization and discount rates, or relevant market multiples, leasing prospects and local market information and whether certain impairments are other-than-temporary. Changes in economic and operating conditions, including changes in the financial condition of our tenants, and changes to our intent and ability to hold the related asset, that occur subsequent to our review


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